

Sweet details

Ainda falta o papel-de-parede, acabar de pintar a secretária, pôr mais umas prateleiras. Falta uma arca, alguns lençóis (agora são duas camas), mantas quentinhas para o Inverno. E as almofadas! E falta acabar de pintar a casinha-de-bonecas. Mas já começa a ficar o quartinho que as minhas filhas adoram - não saem de lá! Eu vou-vos mantendo actualizados, ok?

We still have to hang the wallpaper, finish painting the desk and install some more shelves. We need a chest, a few more sheets (it's 2 beds now) and some warm blankets for colder times. And the cushions! And we still have to finish painting the dolls house too. But the little bedroom is becoming the place that my daughters love - they don't leave the room! I will keep you posted on its evolution, ok?

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