

Flatout Flatbread Artisan Pizza

 We used to do Friday Night Pizza night with the kids all the time.  For some reason, we just don't do it as regularly anymore.  There are 6 of us here and all of us like different things on pizza.  This means either a lot of compromise or just make your own pizza. 
Oh yeah, making your own pizzas is so, so much fun! I was thrilled when I was asked to review Flatout new Flatbread for pizzas.  I'm always on the lookout for a new pizza crust.  These are healthy too!  Only 140 calories and 7 grams of fiber.  So much healthier than regular pizza crust! 

We invited friends over and had a Make Your Own Flatout Flatbread Pizza Party.  I put out a whole bunch of toppings and everyone got to make their own.  It was a blast.  These crusts are brand new and have just hit Walmart a couple of weeks ago.  The crusts come in Heritage Wheat, Rustic White and Spicy Italian.  They are all very good but the smell of the Spicy Italian Flatbread is amazing.  It does have a zip to it though. 
The best thing about these crusts is that they stay crispy!  They prebake in just a flash, then you top with your favorite toppings. Throw it back in the oven for a couple of minutes and you have a crispy, delicious pizza! And for 140 calories, you can pile the toppings on and keep it low calorie and healthy! 

The temperature dropped and it is officially fall here in Minnesota.  The colors on the trees is beautiful and the leaves have started dropping. So it seemed right to have a Fall Themed Pizza Party!  I also tried to make some fall themed pizzas.
Sundried Tomato Ricotta with Bacon Pizza
Rustic White Flatout Flatbread
Sundried Tomatoes, chopped
Bacon, chopped in bits
Mozzarella cheese, shredded
Green onions, chopped
Fresh rosemary or italian seasoning

Spread ricotta over prebaked crust.  Top with sundried tomatoes, bacon, mozzarella cheese and green onions.  Sprinkle with fresh rosemary or italian seasoning.
This pizza was amazing. I'm a sucker for bacon and I love sundried tomatoes so I knew this would be a hit. 

I love roasting vegetables when it's cool outside. The whole house warms up and smells so good!  For this pizza, I chose butternut squash, sweet potatoes and red potatoes.  Any veggie mix will work fine though.   My friends son declared this to be his favorite pizza.
Roasted Winter Vegetables & Spinach Pizza
Spicy Italian Flatout Flatbread
Butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes and Red Potatoes, sliced thin and roasted
Spinach, fresh
Parmesan cheese
Mozzarella cheese
This pizza was super simple.  We just spread some olive oil on the already baked crust. Followed with some mozzarella cheese.  Then topped with the roasted winter vegetable mix, spinach and parmesan cheese. 

I love squash and have been buying many different kinds this year to try. My favorite is butternut squash so I used that on this pizza.  I also love caramelized onions.  I really put a lot of onions on this pizza!
Butternut Squash & Caramelized Onion Pizza
Heritage Wheat Flatout Flatbread Pizza Crust
Butternut Squash, sliced and roasted
Onions, sliced and caramelized (I used bacon grease!)
Pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
Parmesan cheese, shredded
Mozzarella cheese, shredded
Green onions, chopped
Olive oil
We spread just a bit of olive oil on the already baked crust.  Topped with caramelized onions, roasted butternut squash and pumpkin seeds.  Sprinkle with parmesan and mozzarella cheese and garnish with green onions. 

I couldn't let the pizza party go by with out dessert!  So we made dessert pizzas!
Cream Cheese & Apple Dessert Pizza
Rustic White Flatout Flatbread Pizza Crust
Cream cheese cooking cream
Apple pie filling
White chocolate chips
Icing (powdered sugar, vanilla and milk)
Orange sprinkles (optional)
We put a layer of cream cheese over the prebaked crust.  Then we topped with apple filling and drizzled with icing.  We wanted to make it more pretty so we added some white chocolate chips and orange sprinkles.  Everything tastes better with sprinkles, doesn't it?
You could use any pie filling but keeping with the fall theme, we chose the apple. 
When I think of fall, I think of candy corn. So we just had to make a dessert pizza with candy corn.  I also found pumpkin spice marshmallows which were perfect!  If I had a little flame torch, I would have slightly melted the marshmallows on the pizza.
Candy Corn & Pumpkin Marshmallow Dessert Pizza
Rustic White Flatout Flatbread Pizza Crust
Vanilla frosting
Candy corn
Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows
Put a layer of vanilla frosting over the already prebaked crust.  Top with candy corn, marshmallows and sprinkles. 
This was sweet but the kids loved it!
There were 10 of us here so we all took turns creating our favorite pizzas.  Look at my counters! I told you I had lots of pizza toppings!  BBQ chicken pizza was one of the favorites on the Spicy Italian Flatbread.  It was just to see what everyone liked!

Here is my pizza with garlic alfredo white sauce, caramelized onions, sun dried tomatoes, bacon, squash and cheese on the Heritage Wheat Flatout Flatbread Pizza Crust. 
Of course we just had to use Nutella on a dessert pizza too! 
Sweet and Salty Nutella Dessert Pizza
Rustic Wheat Flatout Flatbred Pizza Crust
Nutella hazelnut spread
Mini pretzels
Mini chocolate chip cookies
M & M's
Spread Nutella over prebaked crust.  Top with pretzels, peanuts, chocolate chip cookies and M & M's.
Isn't that a pretty pizza?? 

Thank you Flatout for some great pizza ideas and some wonderful pizza crusts. You'd better believe that Friday pizza night will be resurrected!  My kids are already planning the next one and getting ideas for more pizzas!
Remember, these are new so if you can't find them on the shelves yet, be patient, they will be there.  Keep looking, they are worth it!

Be on the lookout next week for a flatout flatbread giveaway!!!

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