

Linen Cupboard Organisation

Today has been one of those horribly hot days when the thought of doing anything outdoors is unbearable.  Armed with my label-maker, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to organise my linen cupboard - yes, I know I'm crazy, but this cupboard has been nagging at me for a long time!

Our linen cupboard is a large, double width cupboard and it is used to store all our tablecloths, sheets and bed linen.  Tea towels are stored in the kitchen and smaller table linen such as place mats and napkins are kept in the sideboard in the dining room.

I wish I had thought to take 'before' pictures.  The cupboard was stuffed full, yet it contained exactly the same number of items that are in these, much tidier, images.

While it may seem a bit (a lot!) obsessive compulsive to label shelves, it does make sense in a largish household like ours where I am not the only one to put clean laundry away.  Now that the shelves are labelled, no one has any excuse for shoving things just anywhere.  And with tidy shelves it is so much easier to see at a glance what we own and what might need replacing. 

The labels for the shelves are:

On the left:
beach towels
bath towels
bath mats and hand towels
sleeping bags

On the right:
queen bed sheets
single bed sheets
doona covers
mattress protectors

I expect after reading this, most of you will want to run screaming to the hills in boredom, but perhaps there are some who may find it useful.  Does anyone else like to label things, or is it just me?

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