

Pork Loin w/ Sundried Tomatoes & Spinach - 17 Day Diet

Anybody have any weight they want to lose?

I started Debbi Does Dinner Healthy more than 3 years ago.  My goal was to challenge myself to make and create healthy meals for me and my family.  I had weight to lose so continually finding healthy, low calorie meals was essential for me.  I did very well, I lost a lot of weight.  I still had a lot of weight to lose but I grew complacent and I maintained for awhile. Then I lost it. Bad. I gained almost all the weight back that I had lost.  I vowed I wouldn't be one of those people who gained it all back, but I did.
I've been trying and trying to get motivated to lose it.  It's funny, I KNOW how to eat healthy. I KNOW what foods to avoid but I haven't been able to stop eating them.  Or making them.  Have you seen all the desserts posted on my blog the last few months? Way too many desserts and not enough healthy dinners for sure. 

Keeping a journal and writing down what I eat is what worked for me before.  I've been trying to do that but it just isn't working.  I need a plan.  I decided to try the 17 Day Diet.  It's a popular low carb diet that is super, duper low carb for 17 days.  Then introduces some carbs for the next 17 days.  Then more carbs and cycling between carbs days and no carbs days for the next 17 days.  The theory is to confuse your metabolism so that you aren't eating the exact same things daily, thus losing weight.    Now, as a rule for eating, I don't believe in eliminating anything from your diet.  I think in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should be able to eat anything. In moderation.  This theory works, unless you abuse it. Like me.  I don't believe that anyone should eliminate carbs permanently from their diet.  However, I can certainly do it for 17 days. 

So for the next few weeks, I'm going to let my blog go into a different direction.  I plan to let you know what recipes I'm using for the 17 Day Diet.  My goal is to stick to this for at least 17 days and then have formed the habit of eating well.  I'll also let you know how it goes and the results.
My first day on the 17 day diet and I cheated. Not really.  I didn't actually have the book until the first day. I had been doing research online and knew pretty much everything about it. Then the book came in from the library.  I found out that pork loin isn't "allowed" until the second round of 17 days.  Maybe it's not lean enough?  Mine was pretty darned lean so I think it was okay.  You could try this topping with chicken too.  I just happened to have a couple of pork loins in the freezer that needed to be used.  I'll be eating a lot of chicken and turkey the next few weeks!
This is a very high protein diet.  I was NOT hungry at all the first day.  According to their plan, I could have eaten more food.  But there just was no room.  I ate I'm hoping that it continues to go this well! 

When I was researching for this diet, I was looking online for menu plans.  I plan, for the next 17 days, to show you my menu plan. 
Day 1 - 17 Day Diet
2 egg whites w/ spinach and salsa
1 apple
1 - 6 oz. yogurt
Salad with loads of veggies and 3 oz. of chicken with buffalo sauce
1 - 6 oz. yogurt
6 oz. pork loin with sundried tomatoes and spinach
Steamed broccoli with garlic
Water and green tea

Pork Loin with Sundried Tomatoes and Spinach Recipe

24 oz. Pork Loin

1/3 cup sundried tomatoes, rinsed and chopped
Handful of spinach
1/2 cup chopped onions
3 garlic cloves, minced

Cook pork loin according to directions on package. Mine took a bit over an hour.  Then cover it with foil and let rest for about 10 minutes.

Saute onion, garlic, spinach and sundried tomatoes in a bit of cooking spray until onions are soft. Put the sundried tomato mixture on the pork loin and serve. 

4 servings

401 calories per serving
6.7 carbs 
16.4 fat

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