

Cheddar Apple Mashed Potatoes

We eat mashed potatoes quite a lot around here.  Usually we just throw the usual in them. You know, a splash of milk, a little butter and some S&P.  Easy mashed potatoes.  My boys like them that way, they don't like me adding stuff and changing them up. 

"Why change a good thing, Mom?!"

Well, change is good.  Sometimes I like to add things to my mashed potatoes.  So much to my boys' dismay, I made these mashed potatoes and completely fell in love with them.  I've made them several times.  Unfortunately to keep peace in the family, I made a batch of regular potatoes for the boys.  Their loss, not mine. 

Cheddar Mashed Potatoes
Adapted from Bizzy Bakes

4 lbs. potatoes
1/2 cup milk
1 cup (4 oz) cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup onions
2 apples, chopped (I used fuji)
Salt and pepper
Dried chives to garnish (optional)

Chop potatoes into chunks, drop them into a large pot of water. Brink to a boil and simmer until potatoes are soft.  While potatoes are cooking, combine onions and chopped apples in a pan with a bit of cooking spray.  Saute until tender. 

Drain the potatoes and return to pot. Add milk and onion/apple mixture and mash.  I like to leave a few chunks.  Add cheese and stir until melted. 

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