

My Crappy Calendar for 2013

You know those big wall calendars?  Well, I don't  hang mine but I use it for everything.  My husbands work schedule, kids' volunteer schedule, appointments, outings, everything.  I usually end up get one earlier in the year when they are  expensive. I hate spending like $16.99 for a stupid calendar.  My kids want me to get the cool ones with Angry Birds or Star Wars or something like that.  Too expensive. I will get the free ones from Betty Crocker or something but I like these because they are stiffer and easier for me to use at my desk. 
Well, this year I got mine later than usual.  I had post it notes all over my desk with information about January.  So it was time to get a calendar.  We went to Menards and the had some calendars for $4.99.  Cheap enough for me. I was sold.

I had the choice of horses, landscapes and outhouses.  My daughter, the horse lover of the family got the horse calendar.  I'm not really into horses.  I think my last calendar was some sort of landscapes.  I don't look at the pictures so I don't really know. Or care. 
Outhouses.  Seriously?  Somebody made a calendar featuring outhouses?  Tee-hee. This was perfect.  Clearly I'm not the only one with a warped sense of humor and would totally not be embarrassed to have outhouse pictures at her desk every month.  I thought it was hilarious.  My family shook their head at me but I was totally getting the outhouses. 

I found some of the pictures hilariously interesting. 
Mays featured outhouse is brick and appears to be cemented into the ground. One of the doors is missing, revealing an extremely grungy looking toilet.  In the background appears to be a desert? At first I though it was water but it looks dry and flat. So glad that if someone is walking along the desert that there is some place to relieve themselves.  If they dare go inside.
Octobers outhouse is nestled in amongst some beautiful wildflowers near a lake. This would of course be the picnic spot I would pick.  Closest to the outhouse of course. 
Decembers outhouse is perched right in the middle of a forest.  I'm picturing wandering or lost travelers trying to find their way and finding relief at the outhouse they find in the middle of the forest.  My kids think that this looks like Shreks outhouse. 
When I first saw this calendar, I thought, "Who would take pictures of outhouses?"  Then I thought, "What's more strange?  Someone taking pictures of outhouses or the person taking pictures OF pictures of outhouses?"  Hmmm...

There was a joke floating around facebook around the holidays.  It showed a picture of Santa and his reindeer parked on top of an outhouse.  Santa was yelling at the reindeer saying, "I told you to go to the SCHMIDT house!!!"  

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