



By Thomas Bailey Aldrich

When friends are at your hearthside met,
Sweet courtesy has done its most
If you have made each guest forget
That he himself is not the host.

I am trying to work on being more hospitable.  I enjoy having guests in my home but have done very little about it lately, apart from having some of the kids' friends over.

While we were renting I didn't often have people over because it was not my own home.  Now that we have bought a house I keep thinking we should wait until we have a sofa for the sitting room, or a barbecue, or an outside table.

Sometimes hospitality just feels like too much hard work, especially after a long week at work.  Yet I also think that if I am blessed with a roof over my head and food on my table then I should be willing to share - and generously.  Guests rarely care if the house is messy or there's not enough furniture.

Certainly, I am better at inviting friends to my home than strangers. Yet not so long ago I was a stranger in this city and others welcomed me into their homes.  How short is my memory!

How do you practice hospitality in your home?

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  
Hebrews 13:2

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