

Cool like dat

"Great design starts with a good idea".

É assim que chegamos à loja online da Uppercase, uma revista canadiana de design. Com ilustrações e fotografia maravilhosas, a revista tem o charme vintage que tanto me encanta.

Visitem o site, onde podem ver online as últimas edições, ou naveguem no seu diário Uppercase - journal. Design all over, com edições hard cover lindíssimas. "A magazine for the creative and curious".

O meu presente de anos perfeito!

"Great design starts with a good idea".

That's what you find when you arrive at the online shop of canadian magazine Uppercase. With wonderful illustrations and beautiful photography, it has the vintage touch that I love so much.

Visit their site, where you can flip through their magazines or go to their blog Uppercase - journal. Design all over, with amazing hard cover editions.
"A magazine for the creative and curious".

My perfect birthday present!

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