

Stitches of Friendship

June 2008 was a very difficult time. After months of uncertainty we were about to make the decision to move to Adelaide, a city where we knew no one. After ten years we were about to say good bye to our dear red house - although at the start of June I didn't know that yet. And at the start of June I won a sweet little stitchery from Tracy from Beyond My Picket Fence.

Tracy is one of those bloggers that I know would be a true friend should I ever meet her in real life - and I believe we will meet one day. She has prayed for me, laughed with me and even cried with me over the past two tumultuous years. At a time when I was having to say goodbye to friends of a decade, it was good to know that friends like Tracy were there by my side.

When we moved to our rental house in Adelaide, Tracy's stitchery went on the table near my front door and reminded me daily of the meaning of friendship.

Now we live in a home of our own and I finally feel free to spread my wings and put down roots (pardon the mixed metaphors) in Adelaide.

And Tracy's little stitchery sits on the table just inside my front door again.

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