

Spring in the garden

Tirei estas fotos hoje de manhã, ainda meio sol, meio chuva. Mas quis fixar na memória as flores, a Primavera, e as coisas de que gosto tanto. Estas flores são recentes, vêm do horto super adubadas. Vamos ver como se porta a natureza e como crescerão...

Esta é uma jarra com as flores que usei na Páscoa - vejam há quanto tempo duram!
This vase has some of the flowers that I used on that dinner with my friends at Easter -
- they last really long!

These are some photos that I took this morning, trying to capture the beauty in my garden while the sun and the rain were trying to show up once at a time. I love spring flowers and nature and I want to remember how my garden looked like when I see these in pictures in the future. Some of these flowers came from the garden shop recently, so they are super fertilized - I just want to see how will nature behave and how they'll grow...

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