
Egg Carton Seedling Trays


Rather than starting seedlings in commercial peat pots or plastic seedling trays, a cheaper alternative is to use cardboard egg cartons.  Once your seedlings are big enough, you can cut the cartons up and plant them straight into the ground, which will reduce transplantation shock.  Eventually the cardboard will break down, leaving you with healthy, strong plants.

In a month or two, when the weather warms up, I'll be planting my tomato seeds in egg cartons - it's much less expensive than buying tomato seedlings.  This method also reduces plastic waste as commercial seedlings inevitably come in plastic seedling trays.

The seedlings in today's photo are baby cos lettuces from my winter veggie garden.  As they needed thinning, I dug some up and put them in an egg carton to give to my friend Lisa.  She's just starting her veggie patch.

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