

Citrussy Goodness

Flourless orange and almond cake glazed with home-made marmalade

Home-grown Emperor mandarin

Lemon butter (with child scraping out the saucepan behind!)
Winter in South Australia is citrus season, and it seems just about every backyard has a glut of something.

Adding to the fruit from my own mandarin and orange trees, I have also been given grapefruit and lemons this week.

All this citrussy goodness has led to a burst of productivity. Earlier in the week I made 16 jars of three-fruit marmalade out of lemons, oranges and grapefruit, and three jars of fruit mince that included home-made candied lemon peel. Today I made a few jars of lemon butter and tonight's dessert is a flourless orange and almond cake.

It is a lovely feeling to line my cellar and pantry shelves with home-made preserves, and I feel very fortunate to live in such a bountiful part of the world.

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