

Bah Humbug!

This year I have felt no Christmas spirit whatsoever.

Being busy at work and managing a very active household has made Christmas something to dread rather than enjoy. The thought of how much I have to achieve at work and at home in the two meagre weeks until we go to Sydney for Christmas left me feeling stressed and anxious. Added to this I had a nasty tummy bug last week that has left me feeling depleted and in no mood to celebrate.

Friday (my day off work) was spent Christmas shopping and cleaning the house in anticipation of our real estate agent's inspection. Saturday brought a list of tasks an arm long which left me with no time to sit down except when I was driving from one commitment to another.

Then last night we had our Christmas tree raising ceremony.

I saw the delight in my six year old son's face as he helped his older siblings decorate the tree. As we read about Jesus birth in Luke, I was reminded of deeper truths and mysteries that indeed bring joy and peace.

I am reminded that Christmas is about giving and sharing, and thanks to God's grace we have an abundance to share.

Today my daughter and I, with the help of Master Six, wrapped the presents for our extended family and put them under the newly-decorated tree.

Now it's Sunday afternoon and I feel truly Christmassy.

I know I still have much to do before Christmas but I no longer feel quite so overwhelmed.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14 (KJV)

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