

Our Street Koala

I received a very excited phone call the other day.

"Mum, you'll never believe it. Guess what was walking down the middle of the road when we got home from school. Can you guess?"

It was a koala.

We don't know how a koala came to be ambling down our street less than five kilometres from the centre of Adelaide, a city of over a million people.

Where did he come from? There is not much bushland nearby.

Anyhow, a dog began to bark and Mr Koala skedaddled up a tree. Unfortunately it was a lillipilli and not a eucalypt, so Mr Koala had nothing to eat.

He was still there an hour later when I got home from work, although I understand one of the neighbours had called a vet to find out what to do with him.

He was a big, fat grey fellow.

The next morning we went to see if he was still there but he had gone, under cover of darkness. I hope he (or she) is safe and well somewhere, eating gum leaves and telling all the other koalas about his adventures in suburbia.

image is borrowed from

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