

First Tomatoes

What is it about the first tomatoes of the season that is so exciting?  No other vegetable or fruit seems to inspire such enthusiasm. 

Is it because there is such a vast difference between supermarket tomatoes and those that are grown at home?  Surely it's also because the first ripe tomatoes in December mean that summer has truly arrived.

The tomato plant shown here is a cherry tomato that self-seeded and is now the biggest, bushiest tomato plant I think I have seen, certainly for so early in the season.  Hidden amongst the leaves at the bottom of the plant the tomatoes are beginning to ripen, but you have to go down on hands and knees to find them.

In a month or two I'll be overwhelmed by abundant tomatoes and will be considering how to preserve them - dried, in chutney or in tomato sauce.  But for now I am content to eat them straight off the bush, just as they are.

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